Cursed Blondes Forum
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Forum Rules

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Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Post by Cursed Blonde Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:05 pm

Hey everyone! Every forum needs rules, am I right? Well, here's the rules for my forum. Smile

General Posting -

► LOOK AT THE PINNED THREADS. While this page talks about regular forum rules, some places have "special rules" (such as only having one club or team). Usually these "special rules" are pretty short and there's only one or two of them. Please make sure that you take notice of pinned threads, they are very helpful!

► Don't spam. Spamming is defined as anything that does not contribute to the thread or the discussion. This forum is NOT a chat room, please do not use it like one. Take the time to think out your post and make sure you're spelling stuff right (or to the best of your ability). Before you post ask yourself "Is what I'm posting contributing to the discussion?". If the answer is NO, then don't make that post.

► No hacking discussion at all or ever. If you are a known hacker/cheater in Club Penguin you will be Permabanned. If you post links to websites that promote or describe how to hack, you will be Permabanned. If you brag that you hacked yourself items, you will be Permabanned. Hacking and cheating will not be tolerated here, go somewhere else if you want to ruin the fun of the game.

► No swearing or cussing in your posts. This goes for abbreviations that have bad words in them as well. There are cleaner ways to get your message across. If you swear or post a bad word, it will trip the word filter and users will be given notices (PLEASE REPORT ME FOR SWEARING) to report you for swearing.

► Don't double-post. "Double posting" is posting two or more times in a row within a few minutes. If you want to add onto your post, click on the EDIT button and it will let you add more information into your post. If your computer connection messes up and you somehow post the exact same thing twice, do not worry, just edit out your second post and a Moderator will clean it up.

► No adult material on the forums please. I think this explains itself. No dirty pictures, or anything bad.

► Please do not advertise. Don't make threads about your fantastic website/forum. You can put a link to it in your signature instead or in the "Website" part of your profile.

► Don't be rude to other users (or the Staff). Be nice to other posters, if you see someone new, rather than make fun of him/her, why don't you offer to help them out and show them how the forums work? Also, please do not attack the Moderators (or their websites). The Moderators have a hard enough time dealing with all of the activity here on the forums, don't make it worse by making them feel bad. They are people too. We also understand that English is not everyone's first language and that some people naturally have a hard time reading and writing. If you see someone doing their best to be a good poster, we ask that you do not be rude to them.

► Be careful about posting in old threads. You can post in any thread you like, but if the thread is really old make sure what you are posting is going to contribute to the discussion, such as a new discovery in the game.

► You're almost done, check the first welcome thread

► Don't whine and complain about things you do not agree with on the forums. If there is a problem with something, ANYTHING, then you should make a thread in the Forum/Website Support & Ideas forum and we will see if we can fix the problem. If you throw your complaints all over the forums you may be removed from them, be mature about it and we will do our best to help you out.

► This forum is not about popularity, it's about making friends and having a good time talking about Club Penguin and other stuff. Please don't make polls about who is cooler or showing off how many posts you have or when you joined. New users can be just as cool as you, give them a chance too.

► Don't post in hard to read colors. We know it's cool to style your posts, but there are some kinds of text that are very hard to read. Posting entirely in colors such as lime, yellow, white, and aliceblue is very abrasive to some people's eyes and you will be asked to stop. You CAN however, post in white if you are revealing a spoiler to a game or movie or something.

► Do not post "for" banned users. Banned users are banned for a reason, we do not want them posting here. Posting FOR them is the same thing as letting them have your account.

► Threads directed at one person are frowned upon, please use an Instant Messenger or email to contact specific users. However, if you have a question or comment for a specific Moderator you may either email them, or use the Forum/Website Support & Ideas forum if you have a general question that you feel any Moderator could answer.

Users caught breaking rules will be given infractions, temporary bans, or permanent bans (Permabans) depending on the severity of the offense.



As you know, I'm using the rules from the MC forums, just so ya know.
Cursed Blonde
Cursed Blonde
Miss Princezz

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2007-12-15

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